#124 These are My Other Human Friends Klim and Alex
Big Emma wants to officially introduce her readers to her friends, Klim and Alex.
Big Emma is a VW Bus. She was born in 1975 and since then has been on many adventurous trips. She is currently on her most ambitious journey yet, traveling with her companions, Emma and Sven, from Alaska to Argentina.
Big Emma likes gasoline, roads, and Buddy. She’s not big on salt water or thieves.
Big Emma wants to officially introduce her readers to her friends, Klim and Alex.
Big Emma likes having company when she parks.
Big Emma doesn’t always think houses are stupid.
Emma hangs out with Andrew, Emma’s dad.
Big Emma learns to be careful what she wishes for.
Big Emma is excited to see Emma’s parents again.
Big Emma gets to know a Mexican Kombi.
Big Emma revisits her opinion about volcanos.
Big Emma doesn’t like weekends.
Big Emma compares Mexico with Alaska.