#104 Look we’re Back to Normal!!
Big Emma is excited to be back on the road.
Big Emma is a VW Bus. She was born in 1975 and since then has been on many adventurous trips. She is currently on her most ambitious journey yet, traveling with her companions, Emma and Sven, from Alaska to Argentina.
Big Emma likes gasoline, roads, and Buddy. She’s not big on salt water or thieves.
Big Emma is excited to be back on the road.
Big Emma is excited to be out and about.
Big Emma is sad because she has to recollect her penny collection.
Big Emma is just being silly.
For her 100th dairy, Big Emma wants to show you how she creates the Big Emma Diaries. Take a look at it and celebrate with her!
Big Emma is really excited to stay in the house with her humans.
Big Emma got her toolbox stolen and decides it is time to leave.
Big Emma doesn’t like Kittens (or so she says).
Big Emma still doesn’t like Guadalajara and parking all alone.
Big Emma blames Guadalajara for her engine problems.