#144 What are Balloons For?
Big Emma ponders parades and balloons.
Big Emma is a VW Bus. She was born in 1975 and since then has been on many adventurous trips. She is currently on her most ambitious journey yet, traveling with her companions, Emma and Sven, from Alaska to Argentina.
Big Emma likes gasoline, roads, and Buddy. She’s not big on salt water or thieves.
Big Emma ponders parades and balloons.
Big Emma doesn’t want to be eaten by crocodiles.
Big Emma gets to rest today for a change.
Big Emma is excited to tell you about her first adventures in Belize.
Big Emma wants you to meet Little Big Emma.
Big Emma is sad to learn that all the dinosaurs are dead.
Big Emma is excited to meet Sven’s family for the first time.
Big Emma does not appreciate her new portrait.
Big Emma and Big Mama learn a lot about high fives.
Big Emma continues her diary sees an old friend.