
Have a peek inside the life of a VW Bus.
Big Emma's life across the American continent in pictures and words, new every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

#153 I’ll be Here When You Get Back


I don’t like this diary.

I don’t usually wake up Emma and Sven in the middle of the night, only if it’s really important. But this time I thought it was really really important. Everybody wake up! I told them, I think this river we are camping next to doesn’t want us to be here anymore!

Emma and Sven and Caro and Konsti were awake and started doing all kinds of stuff. I told them, I think the River is getting higher. The best thing to do would be to drive away, but my engine’s already under water so I can’t drive us away. Sven just said, I know Big Emma. But we also can’t stay here.

I know Sven I told him. Humans break too easily, and I think this river wants to break you.

So I said to them, Well, if my engine doesn’t run, I think I’ll have to stay here. But don’t worry, I’m made of metal, I’ll be okay. After all, this water doesn’t come from the ocean so at least I won’t rust. But humans need air, so you should really leave. Anyways, I should stay here because who else would look after all your stuff and Eduardo? You should look after Caro and Konsti.

I’m sorry Big Emma. We’ll come back as soon as we can, Emma said.

Okay, I’ll be waiting here for you, I told Emma and Sven. Then I made them leave because the water was getting higher and higher and higher until it was halfway up my insides and water is not supposed to be there!

I’m glad they left though. It’s much easier to just worry about me and Eduardo and not about everybody else, too. I hope they Emma and Sven and Caro and Konsti could find the road without me.

But I am actually worried about me. The water keeps getting higher and it pulls weird on my wheels.

What if I can’t keep my promise and am not here waiting for them when they get back? How will they ever find me? And…where will I be then instead?

It’s really dark under all this water.


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