
Have a peek inside the life of a VW Bus.
Big Emma's life across the American continent in pictures and words, new every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

#51 This is the Prettiest I have Ever Been!


I have never been this pretty! Emma said we were going to visit a friend of hers, but she never said that her friend has a really good camera! It makes me look like I’m in a movie! That’s because her friend makes movies and other things for TVs, so they are really good at it!

In fact, they made a movie about me! It looks soooo good. I have to show it to Buddy when I see him again! I put a link to it right here if you want to watch it and see how pretty I am!

I don’t want to say that Emma and Sven make bad movies about me. I talked to Emma about it and she said that’s because they don’t have as much practice as her friend. And also that they only have one camera and it’s not made to make movies. But I think Emma really liked my new movie too.


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