
Have a peek inside the life of a VW Bus.
Big Emma's life across the American continent in pictures and words, new every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

#4: This Stupid Bandaid is so Embarrassing!


Man, what was I worried about before? I started just fine! We chilled for two full days, and it was great! I got to trade all of our travel and adventure stories with so many buses. A lot of them cleared out on Sunday, so we moved a bit closer to the middle of the bunch and I showed them that cold mornings are no challenge for me! Ha!

But then everyone could see my leaky window. How embarrassing! It rained a lot, like a lot, so Sven put a bag over my flap window in the back. Okay, so I know it helps to keep the water out (and I do not want water getting inside, that’s not good for my interior at all!), but it looks really silly. All these other buses must have thought I looked weird. I’m such a beautiful bus, I can’t have everybody staring at my leaky window…

I hope my new friends don’t think I’m weird. I guess I’ll just have to rely on my irresistible personality.


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