We had left Big Emma behind, alone in the Sibun River in the middle of the night. Come daylight, it was time to try to rescue our travel companion from the flood. But what state would she be in when we found her?

Sometimes things happen more quickly than you can write about them. And sometimes rivers swallow your Bus and you need to take care of shit.

Traveling like we do, there is always a soundtrack playing in the background. Occasionally made of music, it is also the sounds of the streets, the people, the atmosphere that make a place come alive. Sounds continue to define a place long after you are gone, and are part of what makes every day an adventure.

You might have noticed that we don’t make videos anymore. Why is that? What was our motivation to make videos in the first place, and what has changed since we’ve been on the road?

Vanlife is a popular form of alternative living. And yet, more often than not, vanlifers appear to take on rather classic gender roles. What is the typical gender-role division in vanlife, and why is it so predictable?