#84 Now I will know What Pennies are for Forever!
Big Emma’s friend Ben gives her lots and lots of new pennies for her collection.
Big Emma is a VW Bus. She was born in 1975 and since then has been on many adventurous trips. She is currently on her most ambitious journey yet, traveling with her companions, Emma and Sven, from Alaska to Argentina.
Big Emma likes gasoline, roads, and Buddy. She’s not big on salt water or thieves.
Big Emma’s friend Ben gives her lots and lots of new pennies for her collection.
Big Emma misses her new friend and discovers dragonflies.
Big Emma wishes she could be part of the picture, too.
Big Emma is not at all happy with her humans.
Big Emma doesn’t like feeling like a laundry stand.
Big Emma thinks it would be better to sit farther from the ocean instead.
Big Emma really likes her new friend, Annika.
Big Emma meets a new old friend, Annika.
Big Emma wants to show her readers her collection of pennies.
Big Emma parts ways from her new friends but gets a chance to admire herself in Loreto.