Support Us

Would you like to contribute to GoBigEmma and help us out along the way? Here are some ideas.

Have a driveway? And maybe a bathroom?

We don’t need much, but if you have a place where we could park our Bus for the night, we would be very grateful! If we can use your bathroom and your wifi, we would be in for an extra treat.

Donate music!

We are always looking for local artists. If you make some cool music and would let us use it in our videos, that would be super awesome! We will, of course, always give credit where credit is due.

Put a some gas in our tank or a beer in our stomachs!

We live on the cheap, and are trying to be as frugal as possible. If you would like to contribute in a monetary way, we cannot begin to express our gratitude. Using the button below, you can make a donation via PayPal or by credit card.

(Think this is controversial? Please read about our thoughts on the topic here.)

Know a cool place that we can’t miss?

Do you live somewhere awesome, or know a cool spot along our route? Let us know! We love insider secrets, local jewels, and going places that the guidebooks left out.

Have an interesting idea?

Is there something you really want to know about life in the Bus? What a specific place is like or how to get there? Anything at all? Shoot us a message and let us know, we will try to cover the topic in a blog post.


Whatever you choose to do, even if you just like to read our stuff, thanks for your support! 🙂